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三年级优秀英语作文 我的房间

I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . Next to the bed, there is a desk.

A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. It‘s cute. I like to do homework under the lamp every evening. I have a new computer in my bedroom .It is my best friend . Because I study at it, play at it . There are also several beautiful pictures on the wall.




My uncle I have an uncle, he is so kind to me and I like him so much. My uncle looks v...[全文阅读]

小升初英语满分作文:A letter to my mother

A letter to my mother Dec. 7th Dear mother, I have been good at school. I often think ...[全文阅读]


我的教室 Look! This is my classroom.It’s very big.The doors are orange.The wall is wh...[全文阅读]


篇一:小学三年级英语作文:留言条 Dear Mom and Dad, My friend,LiLei,called me to his ho...[全文阅读]

小学英语作文题目为My May Holiday

I had a long holiday for May Day .I was very happy, because I could do anything I want...[全文阅读]

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