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  1. 现在许多传统文化正慢慢消失

  2. 传统文化消失的.原因

  3. 我的看法


  On the losing of Traditional Culture

  It is widely noted that lots of traditional culture is disappearing along with the development of technology. Many ancient architectures and traditional ways of living have been deserted. It seems that the traditional culture and craftsmanship will be replaced in this modern era.


  The following reasons can account for the above phenomenon. Firstly, traditional technologies are always considered ineffective while the new sciences are always highly efficient, because modern science and technology facilitate both our daily and academic life a lot, with which we can save much money and time. Secondly, it is costly to protect the traditional culture, especially the maintenance and repair of the historical buildings.

  In my opinion, although traditional culture is an ancient heritage, it couldnt keep pace with the development of society. It is the tide of history that the traditional culture and technology will no doubt be eliminated in the end.


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